Friday, October 3, 2008

Assignment 9:Definition of Human Resource / Personnel Management

1. Personnel Management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational, and societal objectives are accomplished.

Personnel Management by Edwin B. Flippo

In this definition, personnel management has been defined well in this book because the scope is not only limited in the accomplishments of the organization’s objectives but most importantly, it covers the societal objectives that may be attained with good personnel management.

2. Human Resource Management is a modern term for what has traditionally been referred to as personnel administration or personnel management. However, some experts believe human resource management differs somewhat from traditional personnel management. They see personnel management as being much narrower and more clerically oriented than human resource management.

Human Resource Management by Lloyd L. Bryars and Leslie W. Rue

The definition above focuses more on the difference between the Human Resource Management and Personnel Administration/ Management terms. It was stated in the definition that experts see personnel management as a narrower term and the scope of the human resource management has not been clearly stated.

3. Personnel Administration is the process of supporting the attainment of organizational objectives by continually acquiring, developing, and effectively utilizing the human resources in the organization.

Personnel Management: A Situational Approach by Donald P. Crane

Personnel Administration may also refer to personnel management. However, the latter is the most widely used term as what I read on the fourth definition.

The definition above is almost the same as the definition in the first number, which is Personnel Management. The only difference is the scope of Personnel Administration, which is limited only in the accomplishments of the objectives of the organization and does not go beyond the organization.

4. Personnel Management refers to the handling, directing, and controlling of individual employees rather than of employees as a group. It deals with individual relationships, including employees’ problems with management; i.e., the relationships of management with employees as non- organized groups. It covers the acquisition and retention of competent employees through proper recruitment, selection, placement, utilization, and development. Employee relations and personnel administration are sometimes used to mean personnel management, which is the most widely used term.

Personnel and Human Resource Management by Perfecto S. Sison

This definition showed how proper personnel management is being done which was stated in the first sentence. The definition does not only cover what is in employee – management relations but it also showed the scope of the roles of the human resource department which spans from recruitment to employee movements.

5. Human Resource Management is the art and science of acquiring, motivating, maintaining and developing people in their jobs in light of their personal, professional, and technical knowledge, skills, potentialities, needs and values and in synchronization with the organization philosophy resources and culture for the maximum achievement of individual, organization and society’s goals. The process implies the five functions of management, which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Human Resource Management deals only with people so that they can manage the other resources within their domain of responsibility efficiently and effectively.

Human Resource Management Principles & Practices by Concepcion Rodil Martires

If I were to rate the definition from 1-5 where one (1) is the highest, I will give two (2) to this definition of human resource management because it viewed human resource management as both a science and an art. Moreover, the author gave further details about the topic unlike how human resource management was defined in number 2 where it was viewed as a modern term for personnel administration or personnel management. Lastly, the definition showed the scope, functions and responsibilities of human resource management.


Tanya Clarissa Amancio said...

i agree on those definitions you've posted.. of course, that is correct!=D in short, HRM is responsible related to hiring and firing staff, supervising, promoting, organizing, motivating staff, and developing their professional capabilities. Personnel management requires strong interpersonal communication skills and skills in group facilitation, conflict resolution, and problem solving.

without hrm, i think company will not survive.. do u think??^_^ hehe
awesome blog! keep on blogging..

blogging blogging blogging!!!


comment pud ha..^_^

ILYN P. MAPALO said...

all the definitions are well-defined...hmmm,,i am agree with that!!:)

iamuniquelycommon said...

All of the definitions regarding personnel management and human resource management are correct.

Since, everytime I read those definitions it coincides with all the lessons I have learned in our HRM class.^^

aican said...

wow nice!
I found youe definitions unique since it's from books..(most of the definitions of our clssmates (including me!)came from the internet!)....
effort jud..